Friday 20 June 2014

Last Friday with Mr.Research Proposal

13th June 2013
It was indeed indescribable feelings when I walked out from the room today. I was too tired to even think, I felt numb due to lack of sleep. My face was beautified with 2 big panda eyes since I haven't slept for almost 48 hours. I kept telling myself not to give up now because it was already too late for that. Today, I sat for the exam and to be honest, I wasn't happy with it. I should have prepared if I really want to nail this subject. Most of the questions given in the test, I did that in the class with Dr. Teoh. My mind just turned blank when I looked at the paper. I felt like crying but what's the use of it?
As for the exam, I didn't really have problems to answer the first part. It was quite easy but the second part was harder. I had to determine the type of research for each situation given and it was quite confusing at that moment. I did my revision on  this topic before but........Why? Why can't I differentiate it? I tried to chill myself a bit in the class for I had few more questions to answer.  
For the last part of the exam, we had to explain the type of our own research and I wasn't able to see anything at that moment. I tried to remember my own research specifically  the one I prepared for Chapter 3. Was it qualitative or quantitative?  I wasn't sure and it was already bad to forget your own research..Things happened unexpectedly and I can only pray to feel better for tomorrow's papers.
After we had finished the exam, we were supposed to present the ideas of our research in front of the class. Most of us had problems to find the connection between the purpose of the study and the research questions. As for my case, I needed to change my research questions to suit the purpose of my research. I was planning to investigate the perceptions on the use of educational blogging in ESL writing class in improving learners' writing proficiency as well as their self- confidence. My previous research question was on ; how does educational blogging help ESL learners in improving their writing skills as well as self- confidence? However, since my purpose is to investigate ESL learners' perceptions on educational blogging, I was instructed to reconstruct my research question to suit the purpose of my research. Thus, after the discussion with Dr. Teoh, I decided to change my two research questions to these new research questions that are more specific.
(1) What are the perceptions of ESL learners on the implementation of educational   blogging in
improving their writing literacy in ESL writing classroom?
(2) What are the perceptions of ESL learners on the implementation of educational blogging in improving their self-confidence in ESL writing classroom?
With that, I have completed my first subject for my very first semester which was very short but challenging.
Waiting for the marks patiently.