Wednesday 23 April 2014

Task (1)

March 15th 2014

It is time to squeeze your mighty brain :)



Topic Area
Reluctant ESL Learners To Speak in ESL Classroom.
Research Problem
Inferiority to speak among secondary school students in ESL classroom.
Research Objective
To study the various reasons behind their reluctance to speak in ESL classroom among secondary school students.
Research Questions
1)      What are the factors underlying their reluctance to participate orally in ESL classroom? 
2)      What are the approaches / techniques for the reluctant students to participate orally in ESL classroom?
3)      What are the teachers’ roles in encouraging the reluctant students to speak in ESL classroom?
4)      Is there any connection between proficiency in English and the students’ willingness to speak in ESL classroom?
15032014; 8:30 pm

My First Attempt

March 12th 2014
An eye-opener
Today was a great day as I had fun in the class with my students discussing about expectations and relationship in marriage. Recharged by the responses given by the kids, I am so excited to start digging for the ideas on how to complete my first task.
Firstly, I need to find a topic that can trigger my curiosity and as for now; it is either reading, writing or students’ responses in ESL classroom. As for reading, it should be an interesting topic to discuss since in order to have great output, the input has to be even greater. Thus, maybe I can have a look at the effectiveness of the literary texts chosen in the class. For writing, I want to look at the production of the language among the students. It could be; either written or verbally responses. Finally, students’ responses in ESL classroom which is fairly an exciting area to consider as well.
Then, since I haven’t decided yet on the topic, I read through the manual that I got from the International Conference on English Language Teaching (ICELT) to have better views on the different ways on how to choose and approach my intended topic. In brief; I have decided to study on the students’ responses in ESL classroom. This topic is still too broad to discuss. Perhaps, with more readings, I could manage to find my focal point.
In order to have the confidence to complete my first task, I did visit several websites with the purpose of finding the steps on how to write the research proposal.
I found this website which I believe very helpful to guide us at this very crucial stage .The explanation is clear and quite easy to be comprehended. I am going to post the 10 steps to writing research proposal. Just to share with you guys what I’ve read previously.
(1)   Determine the general topic
You have to identify a general topic or a subject area to investigate. It should be something that triggers your interest.
(2)   Perform a Literature Review
The next step is to read as much literature on the general subject matter as time will allow. You may summarize the purposes and findings of each study relevant to the general matte

(3)   Identify a Gap in the Literature
The purpose is to understand what studies have already been done on the subject and then to identify any glaring gaps in the literature.

(4)   Identify a Problem and Frame a Purpose Statement
After you have complete the first 3 steps,you need to identify a problem related to the gap and frame a purpose statement as to why you are investigating the topic.

(5)   Write an Introduction
The introduction will include ; the problem statement, a brief summary of the literature, a brief description of the gap in the literature as well as a purpose statement.

(6)   Determine Research Hypotheses and or Research Questions
Research hypotheses identify what you are going to investigate and what you expect to find from your research.
*Research hypotheses – Normally found in quantitative research proposals which compare differences and/or relationships between dependent variables and dependent variables.
*Research questions – Normally found in qualitative research studies.

(7)   Determine method of investigation
For method section generally includes sections on the following :
-          Research design
-          Sample size and characteristics of the proposal sample
-          Data collections and data analysis procedures.

(8)   Determine the Research Design
It is highly advised that you describe two or three possible alternatives and then tell why you propose the particular design you choose.

(9)   Determine the Sample Size and Characteristics of the Sample
You will describe the sample size and the characteristics of the participants in the sample size.

(10)                       Determine Data Collection and Data Analysis
You will describe how you propose to collect your data such as ; through questionnaire survey, one-on-one interviews.
Later, after you collect the data, you also need to follow a scheme as how to analyse the data and report the results.
By Ecoggins, HubPages Author.
Let’s go back to the first task which I have to submit soon. According to Dr. Teoh, the significance of the first task is to actually help the students to conceptualize and frame out their ideas and thoughts accordingly. Besides, to assist them to form a strong and advantageous research for others too. So, by doing this,  I really hope to see a clearer picture of what I will doing for these forthcoming months.
Since I already have the topic, I am still deciding on the type of my research; could it be done qualitatively or quantitatively?  Or perhaps, both.
To be continued.
See you soon, Mr. Research.
With love;
12032014 ; 8.30 pm