Wednesday 23 April 2014

Meeting 1 - Where the journey starts

Meeting 1
March, 8th 2014



In the name of Allah SWT, the most gracious and merciful. I shall begin my very first entry this semester for EDU 702 (Research Methodology) with anticipation.

Where the journey begins.

The classes went pretty well but I guess, it is not going to be easy this semester. All I know; I really need to buckle up, maximizing my input capacity through ; reading. There will be lots of readings. Like A LOT!

The class started with Dr. Teoh’s descriptions on the course itself. When I heard the term, ‘Research’ over and over again as she’s explaining the course, deep inside my heart, I know it is going to be heavy. No uncertainty as it is unquestionably heavy. Next, we did a short ice-breaking session since there are only 10 students per class and I guess, we already know each other pretty well.

Portal i-learn. I studied here before but I didn’t fully utilize this website as far as I can think of. Unless to validate my course. Then again, according to Dr. Teoh, she is going to use this website as a means to communicate with us, including for the submission of the assignments. Wow. High-tech.  Plus, we have to create a blog to update our personal reflections on the lessons otherwise known as e-portfolio on a weekly basis.

The main lesson for today was; to come out with the possible topics for our research proposal. According to Dr. Teoh, it will be easier to find a topic based on our working experience. So, since I am working as English mentor in English Chapter; my main focus would be either; reading, writing or literature.

Afterward, Dr. Teoh explained briefly on the contents for the research proposal which comprise of three main parts:

(1) Chapter 1 – The Introduction

(2) Chapter 2 – Literature Review

(3) Chapter 3 -  Research Design/ Data Collection

Before we called it a day, she enlightened us with our First Task. For this initial assignment, we are required to prepare the outline on our proposed topic.While listening to her explanations, I managed to jot down these important notes on how to start your research such as ;

(1) Determine your topic.

(2) Find your research problem.

(3) Form your problem statement.

(4) Prepare your research questions.

Thus, I will be doing this task on next Wednesday since tomorrow is Monday and I have to hit the bed early tonight. I am excited when it comes to learning, but I keep asking myself this question; How can I survive this? How to survive this?  Knowing the importance of doing well for this subject in order to complete my dissertation, I think it is going to be a sleepless night for me.

p/s : I will give my level best. InshaAllah

 08032014 ; 10.30pm




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