Friday 23 May 2014

E- Portfolio

3rd Meeting

April 5th 2014 (Saturday) – M213

So, for today, Dr. Teoh commented on our first task and she required us to make some modifications especially on our research questions. Like for my case, since I am doing on Reticence among Secondary School Students in ESL classrooms, I have to be more specific in terms of selecting a specific English language skill that I’ve intended to study. Thus, I have chosen speaking skill or oral participation in ESL classroom as my main priority.

Other than that, we discussed on the progress of our E-portfolio in the class and Dr. Teoh kept reminding us to update our progress consistently.
Trying harder

To be honest, I am not really satisfied with my own progress but here are some of the current situations that I’m facing right now :

1)      I decided on the specific skill for my research questions which I mentioned earlier.

2)      I found lots of journals related to my research but I’m juggling time to read and understand it. Reading is one thing, understanding is another thing. To see the bigger picture is another thing to do. L

3)      Apart from preparing and reading the literature review for the research proposal, I’m a bit worried about the contents of the course. What to anticipate for the upcoming test?  

4)      This is serious. I did on Sexism in Literature ;  Why and How for my TSL 712. Somehow rather, I like this topic, and having this crazy idea on changing my current topic for the research proposal. Should I ?

5)      Updating my entries consistently! I am trying it now.


Managing Stress
p/s : Task 2 to be submitted soon. Buckle up and enjoy the bumpy ride ! :)

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