Tuesday 27 May 2014

Our 4th Meeting


April 26th 2014



It was a tough week for me for I had to prepare for the lead discussion as well as on Rosenblatt's presentation. I didn't manage to come to the class today and seriously, I feel really terrible about not attending the class.  I drove this morning with this terrible headache due to lack of sleep and being myself, I hate coming to class without preparation.  Among the three classes, I have to admit, Research Methodology is the hardest and the most clueless subject as for now. I don't blame the subject at all but emphatically on myself.  Thanks to Kin, she helped me with the notes for the day. Thanks again,friend.

Since I don't know what to write for the previous class, I guess I will just share with you guys about the possible questions  that I have been collecting so far for the test. Dr. Teoh mentioned earlier about jotting down the important topics throughout the discussion.

These are the areas to be covered for the test. Have fun :)

1) What is Educational Research?
2)  Defining Research Problem.
3) Types of Educational Research. ( Qualitative and Quantitative)
4) Steps in preparing literature review.
5) Types of resources for literature review.
6) How to do citation ?
7) Limitations as well as significance of the research.
8) Components for each chapter. ( For Research Proposal ) -> Very Important!
9) Operational and Constitutive Definition under Chapter 1
10) What is Conceptual Framework?
11) Case Study vs  Experimental Research.
12) Instrumentation - Reliability and Validity
13) Types of variables.
14)  Correlational Research.
15)Population and Sample.
16) Type of Sampling Methods.

*These are some of the topics and I  think we will be covering more soon.

You are almost there

Happy Studying :)

To be continued.

See you soon, Mr. Research.

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