Wednesday 28 May 2014

Final Preparation

May 24th 2014



I came early today with full of determination to start the day. Knowing that this was the second last meeting before our last destination for this semester, I was a bit sad. I just can't believe that it's about to end soon.It is indeed a very short semester and in a blink, we are about the reach the finishing line. Finishing line means we have to really prepare for these upcoming assignments as stated below :

(1) Submission of Research Proposal
(2) Brief presentation of Research Proposal
(3) Final Quiz

Alhamdulillah, we managed to cover lots of things today and I was a bit happier compared to last time for I could answer some of the questions without referring to the book. It was tough but possible to answer.

For the submission of our research proposal, we are supposed to submit it via turnitin by June 10th 2014. Apart from that, on the following meeting, we are expected to have a short presentation on our research proposal. As Dr. Teoh mentioned, it is going to be short ,around 5 to 10 mins for each presentation on the problem statements as well as the significance of the research.

Before the class ended today, Dr Teoh  shared with us the marks for our previous assignments  and alhamdulillah, I am pleased by the results and it has helped to boost up my motivation and will to do better for my research proposal as well as the quiz.

Let's do it ,peeps. I have something to share with you guys and I hope, this video can assist your final journey in preparing your beloved research proposal.

Time to raise and shine.


See you soon, Mr Research.

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