Friday 23 May 2014

Meeting with Mr. Literature Review.

2nd Meeting

March 17th 2014 (Saturday) – M213

The Anticipation

So today, Dr. Teoh showed us on how to prepare our literature review for our research proposal. Based on my experience, when it involves; ‘Literature Review’, in my mind, the only word that popped out was ‘READING’. I love to read. I am crazy about reading but of course, not reading journals. Do I have a choice now?  No, I don’t. So, suck it up, Wanie!

In the class, Dr. Teoh shared with us on how to prepare our literature review by using a software known as LiRAS.  I have no idea about this thing and I haven’t heard about this software. However, when Dr. Teoh did some sort of demonstrations in front of the class by using the software, I can see it did help in many ways even though it wasn’t easy to follow the steps though. Like a lot of steps to remember!!! However, according to Dr. Teoh, it is not obligatory for us to utilize LiRAS in writing our literature review if we found it troublesome to operate.

Literature review is very essential part of a research because it helps the researcher to review and evaluate previous research works in order to gain the information for his own research.  Furthermore, it also facilitates the researcher in avoiding the same mistakes in the methodologies while conducting the research. Plus, Dr. Teoh always reminds us to come out with a research which can benefit others in the related field  and also, we MUST find the instrument to measure the research.Sometimes, based on our reading while preparing literature review, we might have the tendency to restructure our research objective as well as research questions. This could happen because, important information which can be collected from literature reviews concerns theories, research designs, research instruments, research procedures and so on. We can see a better and clearer picture of the whole research after we’ve read and prepared the literature review.
I don't want to write about steps in preparing the literature review as you can always find  it from the net but I want to share with you guys about this short video on ; 'Writing the Literature Review' by David Taylor from the University of Maryland. I found that these videos are very helpful and pretty easy to comprehend in distinguishing the elements of good literature review. :)

The First Part
                                                                       The Second Part

p/s : That's all for now. I should get going and start finding the suitable journals for my research and trying my level best to have fun reading it too.

Have a great day ahead , peeps.

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