Friday 20 June 2014

Last Friday with Mr.Research Proposal

13th June 2013
It was indeed indescribable feelings when I walked out from the room today. I was too tired to even think, I felt numb due to lack of sleep. My face was beautified with 2 big panda eyes since I haven't slept for almost 48 hours. I kept telling myself not to give up now because it was already too late for that. Today, I sat for the exam and to be honest, I wasn't happy with it. I should have prepared if I really want to nail this subject. Most of the questions given in the test, I did that in the class with Dr. Teoh. My mind just turned blank when I looked at the paper. I felt like crying but what's the use of it?
As for the exam, I didn't really have problems to answer the first part. It was quite easy but the second part was harder. I had to determine the type of research for each situation given and it was quite confusing at that moment. I did my revision on  this topic before but........Why? Why can't I differentiate it? I tried to chill myself a bit in the class for I had few more questions to answer.  
For the last part of the exam, we had to explain the type of our own research and I wasn't able to see anything at that moment. I tried to remember my own research specifically  the one I prepared for Chapter 3. Was it qualitative or quantitative?  I wasn't sure and it was already bad to forget your own research..Things happened unexpectedly and I can only pray to feel better for tomorrow's papers.
After we had finished the exam, we were supposed to present the ideas of our research in front of the class. Most of us had problems to find the connection between the purpose of the study and the research questions. As for my case, I needed to change my research questions to suit the purpose of my research. I was planning to investigate the perceptions on the use of educational blogging in ESL writing class in improving learners' writing proficiency as well as their self- confidence. My previous research question was on ; how does educational blogging help ESL learners in improving their writing skills as well as self- confidence? However, since my purpose is to investigate ESL learners' perceptions on educational blogging, I was instructed to reconstruct my research question to suit the purpose of my research. Thus, after the discussion with Dr. Teoh, I decided to change my two research questions to these new research questions that are more specific.
(1) What are the perceptions of ESL learners on the implementation of educational   blogging in
improving their writing literacy in ESL writing classroom?
(2) What are the perceptions of ESL learners on the implementation of educational blogging in improving their self-confidence in ESL writing classroom?
With that, I have completed my first subject for my very first semester which was very short but challenging.
Waiting for the marks patiently.

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Final Preparation

May 24th 2014



I came early today with full of determination to start the day. Knowing that this was the second last meeting before our last destination for this semester, I was a bit sad. I just can't believe that it's about to end soon.It is indeed a very short semester and in a blink, we are about the reach the finishing line. Finishing line means we have to really prepare for these upcoming assignments as stated below :

(1) Submission of Research Proposal
(2) Brief presentation of Research Proposal
(3) Final Quiz

Alhamdulillah, we managed to cover lots of things today and I was a bit happier compared to last time for I could answer some of the questions without referring to the book. It was tough but possible to answer.

For the submission of our research proposal, we are supposed to submit it via turnitin by June 10th 2014. Apart from that, on the following meeting, we are expected to have a short presentation on our research proposal. As Dr. Teoh mentioned, it is going to be short ,around 5 to 10 mins for each presentation on the problem statements as well as the significance of the research.

Before the class ended today, Dr Teoh  shared with us the marks for our previous assignments  and alhamdulillah, I am pleased by the results and it has helped to boost up my motivation and will to do better for my research proposal as well as the quiz.

Let's do it ,peeps. I have something to share with you guys and I hope, this video can assist your final journey in preparing your beloved research proposal.

Time to raise and shine.


See you soon, Mr Research.

Revision Revision Revision

May10th 2014



Today, Dr. Teoh showed us the samples of research questions and she wanted us to spot the differences between strong and weak research questions. In order to develop a strong research question, we must keep questioning and checking ourselves with these questions. It is very vital to have a strong and focus research, should be narrow and not broad-based.

1) Do I know the field and its literature well? Which means, we have to know the field in and out.
2) What are the important research questions in my field? I read several journals related to my topic and based on my readings, I developed several questions which I intend to explore.
3) What areas need further exploration ? I am still working on this question. There are lots of areas to be improved especially on reticent students. Basically, the methods on how to measure the scale of their reticence in speaking class.
4) Could my study fill a gap ? Lead to greater understanding? Tough questions to be answered. 
5) Has this study been done before? Yes, it had been done before among Taiwanese students in EFL classroom. Not in ESL classroom.

Based on the knowledge and exposure we gained today, she wanted us to revise our research questions and see the possible responses . I am pretty satisfied with my research questions for now as I can see where  I am going to.

After that, we did some revision on what we have covered previously and it was not easy at all even with the help from the reference book. It scared me out not to be able to answer the questions but  I must not give up. Never. Never. Never !!! I still have few weeks before the test. So, buckle up Wanie!

Next, we discussed about the instruments and procedures to be used for the research.  What are the purposes of having instruments in research? It is easy. To elicit the data for the study. We can have  either interviews, questionnaires, observations or many  other ways to gather the data for the research. It depends on the type of your research and as for my case, I am planning to have two instruments which are ; interview session as well as questionnaires.

So, I will start constructing questions for my questionnaires as well as for the interview sessions later.

Good night, peeps.

See you soon, Mr. Research.

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Our 4th Meeting


April 26th 2014



It was a tough week for me for I had to prepare for the lead discussion as well as on Rosenblatt's presentation. I didn't manage to come to the class today and seriously, I feel really terrible about not attending the class.  I drove this morning with this terrible headache due to lack of sleep and being myself, I hate coming to class without preparation.  Among the three classes, I have to admit, Research Methodology is the hardest and the most clueless subject as for now. I don't blame the subject at all but emphatically on myself.  Thanks to Kin, she helped me with the notes for the day. Thanks again,friend.

Since I don't know what to write for the previous class, I guess I will just share with you guys about the possible questions  that I have been collecting so far for the test. Dr. Teoh mentioned earlier about jotting down the important topics throughout the discussion.

These are the areas to be covered for the test. Have fun :)

1) What is Educational Research?
2)  Defining Research Problem.
3) Types of Educational Research. ( Qualitative and Quantitative)
4) Steps in preparing literature review.
5) Types of resources for literature review.
6) How to do citation ?
7) Limitations as well as significance of the research.
8) Components for each chapter. ( For Research Proposal ) -> Very Important!
9) Operational and Constitutive Definition under Chapter 1
10) What is Conceptual Framework?
11) Case Study vs  Experimental Research.
12) Instrumentation - Reliability and Validity
13) Types of variables.
14)  Correlational Research.
15)Population and Sample.
16) Type of Sampling Methods.

*These are some of the topics and I  think we will be covering more soon.

You are almost there

Happy Studying :)

To be continued.

See you soon, Mr. Research.

Friday 23 May 2014

E- Portfolio

3rd Meeting

April 5th 2014 (Saturday) – M213

So, for today, Dr. Teoh commented on our first task and she required us to make some modifications especially on our research questions. Like for my case, since I am doing on Reticence among Secondary School Students in ESL classrooms, I have to be more specific in terms of selecting a specific English language skill that I’ve intended to study. Thus, I have chosen speaking skill or oral participation in ESL classroom as my main priority.

Other than that, we discussed on the progress of our E-portfolio in the class and Dr. Teoh kept reminding us to update our progress consistently.
Trying harder

To be honest, I am not really satisfied with my own progress but here are some of the current situations that I’m facing right now :

1)      I decided on the specific skill for my research questions which I mentioned earlier.

2)      I found lots of journals related to my research but I’m juggling time to read and understand it. Reading is one thing, understanding is another thing. To see the bigger picture is another thing to do. L

3)      Apart from preparing and reading the literature review for the research proposal, I’m a bit worried about the contents of the course. What to anticipate for the upcoming test?  

4)      This is serious. I did on Sexism in Literature ;  Why and How for my TSL 712. Somehow rather, I like this topic, and having this crazy idea on changing my current topic for the research proposal. Should I ?

5)      Updating my entries consistently! I am trying it now.


Managing Stress
p/s : Task 2 to be submitted soon. Buckle up and enjoy the bumpy ride ! :)

Meeting with Mr. Literature Review.

2nd Meeting

March 17th 2014 (Saturday) – M213

The Anticipation

So today, Dr. Teoh showed us on how to prepare our literature review for our research proposal. Based on my experience, when it involves; ‘Literature Review’, in my mind, the only word that popped out was ‘READING’. I love to read. I am crazy about reading but of course, not reading journals. Do I have a choice now?  No, I don’t. So, suck it up, Wanie!

In the class, Dr. Teoh shared with us on how to prepare our literature review by using a software known as LiRAS.  I have no idea about this thing and I haven’t heard about this software. However, when Dr. Teoh did some sort of demonstrations in front of the class by using the software, I can see it did help in many ways even though it wasn’t easy to follow the steps though. Like a lot of steps to remember!!! However, according to Dr. Teoh, it is not obligatory for us to utilize LiRAS in writing our literature review if we found it troublesome to operate.

Literature review is very essential part of a research because it helps the researcher to review and evaluate previous research works in order to gain the information for his own research.  Furthermore, it also facilitates the researcher in avoiding the same mistakes in the methodologies while conducting the research. Plus, Dr. Teoh always reminds us to come out with a research which can benefit others in the related field  and also, we MUST find the instrument to measure the research.Sometimes, based on our reading while preparing literature review, we might have the tendency to restructure our research objective as well as research questions. This could happen because, important information which can be collected from literature reviews concerns theories, research designs, research instruments, research procedures and so on. We can see a better and clearer picture of the whole research after we’ve read and prepared the literature review.
I don't want to write about steps in preparing the literature review as you can always find  it from the net but I want to share with you guys about this short video on ; 'Writing the Literature Review' by David Taylor from the University of Maryland. I found that these videos are very helpful and pretty easy to comprehend in distinguishing the elements of good literature review. :)

The First Part
                                                                       The Second Part

p/s : That's all for now. I should get going and start finding the suitable journals for my research and trying my level best to have fun reading it too.

Have a great day ahead , peeps.

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Task (1)

March 15th 2014

It is time to squeeze your mighty brain :)



Topic Area
Reluctant ESL Learners To Speak in ESL Classroom.
Research Problem
Inferiority to speak among secondary school students in ESL classroom.
Research Objective
To study the various reasons behind their reluctance to speak in ESL classroom among secondary school students.
Research Questions
1)      What are the factors underlying their reluctance to participate orally in ESL classroom? 
2)      What are the approaches / techniques for the reluctant students to participate orally in ESL classroom?
3)      What are the teachers’ roles in encouraging the reluctant students to speak in ESL classroom?
4)      Is there any connection between proficiency in English and the students’ willingness to speak in ESL classroom?
15032014; 8:30 pm